High School Senior……….Monica {Winchester, VA High School Senior Photographer}

This was a special shoot for me because I feel like I have watched Monica grow up to this beautiful girl!

Soon after we moved here we met her family because her brother and my son played baseball together. I remember her sitting on the bleachers watching baseball like a good sister would.:-)

The older she got, she started watching my kids when I needed and they absolutely loved her. My daughter would talk about her for days after she left.

It has been so much fun watching her grow! I can’t wait to see what she accomplishes in the next few years!!

Thank you for the honor of taking your pictures.

I wish you GREAT EXPERIENCES and FUN in your years to come!! I know you will be SUCCESSFUL in anything you work toward!

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HeatherNovember 26, 2014 - 8:03 pm

Your work is stunning Shauna!! Especially love the black and white…what a great capture!

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